Tuesday, 12 May 2015

A bit off track

I've gone a bit off the rails on my keto lifestyle but now I'm back. My life's been a bit hectic, almost unmanageable but it's gotten better - I've managed to get one thing out of the way.

I'm more than interested in working out at least 3 times a week...
Monday - Strength
Wednesday - Cardio and a bit of strength
Friday - strength

I'm still working out the details of my program but I'm happy to start soon. It's winter here and it's freezing - so if I can't wake up to train in the mornings, I'll have to do it in the evenings. And besides, three days a week isn't bad for a start.

So today is day one of my ketosis challenge - 15g net carbs max for as long as I can track it....

B/fast - 250ml High Fibre Blueberry Smoothie + 1 cup oolong tea
Snack - biltong
Lunch - 1 medium avocado + 1 sausage + 1 cup oolong tea
Snack - 20g nuts
Dinner - (undecided, but leaning towards trying a shrimp recipe...)

Keto on!

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