Sunday, 19 April 2015

Week 2 Challenges

I have this huge problem of being unable to say 'no' when someone offers me snacks, sweets, chocolates or junk food in general - and no matter how committed I am to eating clean / living the keto way, I still allow myself to get derailed.

I hate how I come across as always trying to please people like this (because I don't want to hurt someone's feelings when I turn down an offer) ... these people know my struggles... either they don't recognize them or they just don't care. I am starting to believe it's sabotage .... and worse, it's intentional <wtf?!> ... I'm not being paranoid... I'm being observant - I mean, would you offer a crack addict some crack? No... Then why offer a junk-food addict junk food?

Gosh! Isn't there a rehab center for this around here?

Anyway, this week's challenge is about saying 'no' to food outside of keto... whether I prepare it or it's prepared by someone else.

My weigh-in today wasn't spectacular but it wasn't depressing either... so I think that's good enough (for now). Looking at my starting stats and today, there doesn't seem to be much difference but there is because my priorities have shifted.

I'm thinking of preparing meals for the week... I just have to wonder if any dishes I make today won't be ruined in the fridge before the week reaches Wednesday... will check on and decide on some recipes... and oh, this week is also about saying 'no' to TaB ... and it's no calories and no carbs promises!!!

Keto on!

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