Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Day 1 - Intermittent Fasting (end of the day)

... Like I said in my previous post, today is Day 1 of my 30 Day Intermittent Fasting (16/8) self-challenge. I know what it's like to want to complete at least a single successful day on my fast and be never able to do so.... /shock

This has happened a million and a half times

I've successfully completed a day of 16 hours of fasting and feasting within the 4 hour period after - and have stayed within 1200 kcal. I'm also happy with my meal choices and have stayed LCHF as planned. I have in fact, already decided on what to eat tomorrow after my fast (at 12h00) and am happy with my choices.

Meal 1
2 tsp barley grass powder with 500ml water
1 cup buttered coffee with cream
1 cup broccoli with 1 egg, 2 tbs mayo and 35g white cheddar + 1 cooked chicken drumstick

Meal 2
1 cup butted coffee with cream
Butter-fried broccoli with egg and cheese bake

During Fast
Water up to 4 litres
Green tea

... I need to track a few days and then it shouldn't be so difficult to get to 30 days and beyond

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